About Us

Our team has over 50 years of collective experience. We’ve generated 57,000+ interviews and $286 million in job offers
ApplyPass team photo
Our Promise to You
We use the data you submit to us, like the resume and job search preferences,
to match you with jobs. In other words, this means we autofill the data you provide to us to apply to jobs on your behalf.

We’re committed to never sell your personal data to third parties and advertisers.

And because we’re extremely passionate about what we do, we stand behind our product with a bold promise: a 30-day money-back guarantee for ApplyPass subscriptions.
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The team behind applypass

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you. Get More Interviews with less Effort with ApplyPass

Dan Klos | Co-Founder
Dan Klos
Co-Founder & CEO
Honored to lead this amazing team, Dan is committed to growing himself and the team to best serve our important mission.
David Hopper | CEO
David Hopper
Co-Founder & Core Process
David draws on his 8+ years coaching over 1,000 software engineers to career success as he drives ApplyPass's core matching algorithm.
Team Member: Sheila
Sheila General
Guiding prospective clients through admissions and onboarding, providing support, and ensuring transparency every step of the way.
Team Member: Abhi
Abhi Sharma
Customer Success
The driving force behind customer success at ApplyPass. With a commitment to ensuring every customer's journey is smooth sailing.
Team Member: Lennon
Lennon Ginibun
Fullstack Bubble Developer
A Fullstack Bubble Developer & Low/NoCode Specialist. Expertise lies in using Bubble, Airtable, and Zapier to enhance operational efficiencies.
Team Member: Sam
Sam Amouzou
Software Engineer
Results-driven software engineer with expertise in headless browser automation for streamlined processes and creating impactful products.
Team Member: karan Suraj - Software Engineer
Karan Suraj
Software Engineer
Passionate about solving engineering problems and leading engineering, data quality, and business intelligence initiatives for the work we do.
Team Member: Lennon
Jacque Payne Cortez
Resume Finalizer Team Manager
Always been skilled at problem-solving. Passionate about her work. She has a steady source of motivation that drives her to do her best.
Team Member: Jacque
Nurul Amin
UI/UX and Product Design
Love to solve users pain point through designs. He has all the necessary skills of product design and do the no code development well.

1.1 Million

Job Applications Submitted


More Resume Responses


Job Offers Received

1 / Week

Avg. Interviews Per Engineer
Success Story

"ApplyPass really improved my outlook on job searching."

The 1st thing I noticed after starting ApplyPass was my confidence at interviews and improvement to my mental game. It helps you apply to a lot more jobs and gains you more visibility. I ended up with two offers on the table and accepted a role with a great company.